Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Japan.  In order of pictures: Breakfast, giant bridge connecting the main island with Shikoku island, the parking lot that I park in every morning, and a fine brew.


  1. I thought that was a photo of a chopper show.

  2. Mmmmmmm nothing like a bowl of butter to go with my food,, ,,, also the bridge is kick ass is it a new bridge if so it looks like the bridge i saw a show about how they built it. . . same one ? ? ?

    now i know i left my bike here some where . u should Pee Wee Herman Lock up your bike when you park it there a mile of chain ... ha ha ha ha

  3. its still hot here.
    i like japanese beer and never cared that everything taste like fish.
    saw a chopper yesterday that you would hate.

  4. The Great Bride:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Seto_Bridge

  5. biker biker are there bike lanes across that sucker or what

  6. yeah. On big roads their is ample room for bikes. Sometimes bicycles have their own roads with a curb between you and the traffic, but you got to share is with pedestrians.
