Sunday, May 29, 2011
I live in Japan right now but once I was on my way to Wyoming on a shaft driven four cylinder yamaha. The u-joint on the shaft decided to go bye bye between the sand hills of Nebraska and Casper. I was stuck for eight days in Casper while Eric and Megan put me up and Sport Wheel mailed the part to me from Minnesota. If you ride old Japanese stuff, Sport Wheel is your friend. If your 1978 piece of Japanese engineering decides to send a part the way of the dodo, call them. Parts in three days or so. A magically endless scrap yard to keep old things running forever. I didn't make it to the Tetons (French for.....). Ran out of time, but did get to go camping and trout fishing in the Buckhorn Mountains with two new friends while waiting on parts to arrive. The day we got back the mailman arrived with the Universal Joint. I was on the road to Colorado by 6pm. Thanks Eric and Megan for the bed and the garage. Here is a sweeping generalization based on Megan and Eric and many other people I have met during travels. Most Americans are good people. My time on the road alone has brought me to this overgeneralization. My optimism compels me to stick to the theory. The TV would have you believe otherwise, so don't watch it. Just talk to the people around you. People who have known hard times help other people in hard times. Lets keep that up.

Thursday, May 26, 2011
For Lee
I was trying to get a picture of "Great Seto Bridge" from my seat on the train be fore the train got to the lower scaffolding of the bridge. In the picture can barely see the Giant 12km bridge that spans the inland Seto inland sea but you can see the old fellow that had made the whole trip with me. I don't know him. But I went to climb a mountain on Shikoku Island and he apparently had the same designs for his weekend. I saw him at the mountain top and again on the train back to Okayama the next day. I may have said hello to him, but I don't know how to say much else in Japanese so we where only silent companions. He must have camped up there somewhere too.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Yakushima is an island off the Southern most tip of the western most Island in Japan, Kyushu. It takes about two hours to get there by jet ferry or 4 by regular ferry. It is round. It is a mountain range that jets straight up from the sea bed with black volcanic rocky beaches and a slew of Alpine regions in the middle. There is virtually no flat land on the island. Also, due to its weather (rain 50% of the year) it contains some of the most ancient forests on earth, including 3 to 7 thousand year old cedar trees.
There are many routes into the ancient woodlands or to the high Alpine regiions. Many of them can be halfway accessed by bus from Miyonoura or Anbo, the port towns. We had the time so we decided to walk it all the way up from the little town of Kurio, where we camped near a beach scattered with black volcanic rocks. We had the luck of speaking to a local mountain guide who spoke fluent English who recommended the less traveled Hanayama trail up into the mountains, which begins as a dirt road or “sidewalk” according to the road sign. This “road” takes you to the Hanayama trail head where we had the luck of seeing three monkeys. Yakushima monkeys are more curious than scared. They are protected and have no reason to fear humans so the gazed at us from a distance of about 20 feet sitting in the road as we proceeded up the steep entrance to the trail head. They were going our direction but didn’t follow us far. The next 10 hours where a slow walk upwards. We made it to our destination, a primitive mountain hut by the name of Shikanosawa. We had a great deal of company and were lucky to get enough space on the top bunk level to sleep. When we arrived at the hut I had apprehensions because their were about 5 tents crammed in a space in the brush not big enough for 3 tents, so I was sure that the hut itself was booked solid. I poked my head in single room, four stone walls with two levels of floor for sleeping. While it was pretty full where was room for two and the inhabitants waved us in and welcomed us to their shared home for the night. It never ceases to amaze me that the Japanese seem to share a common philosophy that there is room for everybody. They will organize and reorganize to make room and make sure nobody is left out. Quite a contrast to our American cowboy dream of open spaces and living miles from your neighbor. Tolerance and even hospitality would be a good description of their invitation into the small stone room. We were the last to show up and received kindness rather than the cold shoulder.
Exhausted, we slept in the little room with 18 other people, I don’t think we stayed awake much past sundown. We woke to the stirring of the serious mountaineers who where cooking breakfast and packing for the next leg of their journey. We decided that they had the right idea and began to gather our sleeping bag and bed rolls. Within two hours we would leave the ancient tree line behind and climb though stunted bamboo grass trails, up boulders and through spring water beds to the top of Mount Nagata. Up just a little further by the same methods to Miyanoura Dake (peak) the highest point on the island where a crowd had gathered to take in the view. Today we have far more company on the trail, as we have come to the midway point between where we started and the place we are going to finish, which happens to be where most Yakushima mountain travelers start. Like going the wrong way on a one way street, the oncoming traffic greeted us, each and every one. “Konnichiwa. Sumimasen. Ee. Hai. Douzo.” The treeless mountain tops where bright green with spring bamboo grass and dotted with giant boulders through which the trail was weaving. From one peak to another they looked like a loosely strewn herd of elephants on a grassy hillside, except that the grass would be knee or shoulder high and the elephants would be the size of a three story house.
From Miyanoura Dake it was an alpine stroll past several more peaks before heading down into the ancient thickets again. The cedars grope the soil with thousands of interwoven roots that look like an overtentacled octopus standing on the ground, culminating into the giant stump ten fee above the forest floor. Then skyward an every direction, the cover of this spring’s dark green canvas. Water everywhere, springs coming out of rocks, the trail is half stream beds and our feet stay wet the entire way.
Sunday, May 22, 2011

true freedom “means being conscious and aware enough to choose what you pay attention to and to choose how you construct meaning from experience. Because if you cannot exercise this kind of choice in adult life, you will be totally hosed.”
RIP David Foster Wallace
Saturday, May 21, 2011

The man responsible for all of this vintage biker b-film lifestyle clothing brilliance: Yoshiki, notorious curator of the REDTAIL clothing line and operator of the cycle called HELL CAT.
made me homesick for my friends in Alabama but it did not detract from the mirth . This is a tight knit bunch. The party also made me another kind of sick which I won't go into detail about at this time.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
If your life was trash(ed)
In Japan the death toll rises above 8000 with about 13,000 people missing. In my home in Alabama my friends and family are spared, some by a hair from mile wide tornadoes which killed hundreds. Now, in Japan, I have Japanese friends asking me what they can do to help Alabama. Unbelievable. Their hearts are vast. So lets share info.
Pictures via the vast news interweb that can sometimes be used for good.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Saturday, May 7, 2011
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